How does it work?
Typing Services
Discovering your cognitive type can be challenging, often made more confusing by online content. The CPT Type Service focuses on self-discovery through dialogue, emphasizing individual cognition over predefined types. Video calls help confirm your type and address questions. For Type Service Express, Rob discusses results at the call's end and provides additional debrief calls and emails. All other services are conducted by Harry and are a longer process.
Typing Consultations
Consultations are hour-long video calls in which we freely discuss personality typing and cognition – Harry will be free to answer any questions, and if preferred the conversation can be moved to an entirely auditory or text-based medium. Consultations cannot give you your cognitive type, but can be used to discuss matters around the subject as well as the theory as a whole. As such, individuals who already know their type will benefit from discussing type-based topics the most.
Type Coaching
CPT Type Coaching is designed for those familiar with the CPT Type Service, focusing on individuation and life enhancement through cognitive functions. It addresses both internal and external growth, helping overcome resistance and achieve goals. Offered in 2-hour (Tier I) and 3-hour (Tier II) packages, it includes weekly video calls and email support. Tier I suits those with specific goals, while Tier II is for holistic development. Ongoing coaching is available on Patreon and can be used for consultation purposes.
Type Service Basic
The email-based typing service offers a streamlined and effortless pathway to a professional cognitive type assessment. Simply fill out a medium-length questionnaire about yourself and within 14 days you will receive a thorough email analysis detailing the cognitive preferences present in your answer, as well as runner-up types also worth considering.
This service is especially well-suited those who are less confident in their English-speaking ability or those who simply prefer the additional time to fully compose their answers without the pressure of a real-time call environment. Some people also just prefer the more laid-back approach this service affords them compared to the pressure of a live video call
Type Services
Text-based service for streamlined type estimation
Short E-mail exchange
Type descriptions for each
Most likely type, and secondary alternative
Most likely type, and secondary alternative
Time-efficient service with CPT-approved typologist Rob
Short E-mail exchange
Type descriptions for each
Most likely type, and secondary alternative
In-depth service to iron out uncertainties and explain type
Short E-mail exchange
Type descriptions for each
Most likely type, and secondary alternative
Full exploration of type dynamics exhibiting functions
Short E-mail exchange
Type descriptions for each
Most likely type, and secondary alternative
It can be helpful for the typing process to be in an introspective frame of mind. So, while it is certainly not necessary to have a series of notes taken before a typing session, if doing so is helpful to facilitate introspection, then it is encouraged. Be assured though that the typing sessions feature well-thought-out questions that will often be more than sufficient to get to know your cognition on a deep level.
All CPT services are confidential and do not retain personal information about clients. With a client's consent, sessions can be recorded and stored for training purposes, but are never to be shared with the public. One-on-one sessions such as these involve getting to know someone on a deep level and encourage a safe environment in which a person feels at home being themselves. Confidentiality is therefore a top priority.
All services simply require you to turn up as you are. CPT methodology does not feature cognitive tests to objectively assess the extent to which you are proficient in certain functions. Across all services you are instead asked open questions that naturally allow your cognitive preferences to rise to the surface. Oftentimes the way a question is answered is more illuminating than the answer itself, which carries the advantage of even greater objectivity.
The Tier II typing service includes a CPT score to provide a more nuanced representation of type tailored to the uniqueness of the individual. The CPT score is an assessment of function expression within a type, including levels of consciousness, ego relation, attitudinal extremity, and magnitude. This information is included in the PDF supplied at the end of the Tier II service along with the emailed analysis and conclusion.
Coaching & Consultations
1 hour video call
Open window for email correspondence
• 2x 1-hour video calls
Open window for email correspondence
• 3x 1-hour video calls
Open window for email correspondence
• PDF report detailing areas of cognitive resistance and measures that can be implemented to overcome them
• 4x monthly video calls
• Cognitive assessment w/ Harry, MSc
• Wellness coaching w/ Dr. Dalson, MD
• The first intersection between CPT and the mental health world.
Cognitive Wellness Coaching is a fusion of CPT typological principles with more evidence-backed modalities. While traditional CPT coaching falls under the life coaching bracket, the clinical expertise of Dr. Dalson allows the system to more directly step into the realm of mental health. This service is well suited to those looking to balance out their cognitive processes, alleviate symptoms of mental impairment, improve concentration and focus, and improve their overall mental health through a cognitive function lens.
Pricing starts at $300 per month, which reflects the higher frequency of calls (3-4) within the time period. Positions are currently limited due to the extra time demands involved.
Cognitive coaching has a plethora of different applications, such as enhanced productivity, self-esteem, interpersonal harmony, and general well-being. However, at the core it is centered around the concept of individuation and intrapersonal balance. To this end, advanced CPT principles such as network theory are employed to encourage the neuroplasticity in a direction of sustainable cognitive growth. More specifically, CPT coaching involves the co-creation of a bespoke cognitive tool kit tailored to fit the needs of a client. Taking away this tool kit allows for the growth that begun within the coaching process to be continued well into the future.
Consultations are a one-hour call to answer anything and everything CPT! While they cannot be used for typing purposes, consultations can still be used to understand one's type as well as verify it. Consultations are best suited to individuals with a series of questions about the theory and/or their cognition, as well as those seeking CPT-based advice on important life coaches.
The Team
As the team behind CPT expands, the applications of the theory expands with them. Currently CPT is able to offer typing services, cognitive coaching, and more recently health and wellness coaching with the addition of Dr. Michelle Dalson to the team.
Harry Murrell
Typing, Coaching, & Consultations
Rob Dinh
Typing & Coaching
Dr. Michelle Dalson, MD
Coaching & Mental Health
© Copyrights by Cognitive Personality Theory. All Rights Reserved.